Tonsley Social WhatsApp Groups

We value connecting and building friendships, not just with those who are part of our church, but also those who are already a regular part of our lives: Our friends, our colleagues, our neighbours.

A great way to develop friendships is through spending regular time together pursuing a common interest. 

So, we are launching new groups on WhatsApp, with the aim of organising in-person activities and events, to build genuine connection and friendship around shared interests.  Each group, listed below, is focussed on a different social activity, sport, or interest. Please feel welcome to join any group(s) for which you share an interest. For those not on WhatsApp, but who are keen to join in, please register interest in an activity by emailing


It is expected that group members will be from all walks of life; from our church community and not. Please invite your friends, colleagues, and neighbours who share these interests as a way of strengthening your friendship.

Current Groups you can join: 

We will add more activities to choose from in time. But for now, these are the groups available to join, build connections, and invite your friends: 

So, jump in and organise a time to do your activity with others in the group! 

Each group will have an admin (or two) - they will try and keep things moving along, but it's up to the group as a whole to organise things.

Also - update your WhatsApp profile to include your name, so that the group knows who you are. (Settings > tap your photo > add your name).

Beach Walk with coffee after (or just join for the coffee!)  -  Click here to join on WhatsApp.

Playground + Coffee catch up  -  Click here to join on WhatsApp

Bushwalking (from relaxed through to challenging walks)  -  Click here to join on WhatsApp.

Board games  -  Click here to join on WhatsApp.

Running group/Parkrun  -  Click here to join on WhatsApp.

Fishing - Link to join is coming...

Christmas craft group - Click here to join on WhatsApp

Can't find the thing you love? Do you want to recommend or start a group? Head here to get the ball rolling on a group you would love to be part of. 

If you are having trouble accessing groups, issues with WhatsApp or have questions, please get in touch with 


Guidelines for using the social WhatsApp groups

Guidelines for group Admins (and members)

What is WhatsApp?

WhatsApp is a very popular free tool that allows users to send messages, make calls, and share content. In several parts of the world it is a primary means of internet communication.

How can I use WhatsApp?

WhatsApp can be used from mobile phones by installing the WhatsApp app (from the App Store or Google Play store), once you have signed up on your mobile phone you can also use WhatsApp from a computer should you desire (

How do I get started with WhatsApp?

Browse to to find helpful resources to get you started with WhatsApp.

How can I find a group Admin?

When in a group, select the group name at the top, scroll down to the list of members. Admins will be labelled here.