We hang out together for a while, do an activity sometimes hear a short talk, testimony or pray together, then break up into small groups to study the Bible in more depth. It's a great place to explore what it looks like to follow Jesus as a teenager. Our Tonsley youth meet together with the youth of Trinity Church Brighton and Hove at the Holdfast Bay Community Centre. Anyone in Year 7-12 at high-school is welcome whether you attend one of these churches or not as we love to help youth connect.

The Holdfast Bay Community Centre is at 51 King George Avenue, Hove, park in Car Park 2

You can find it here on Apple or Google

Newcomers or free, a donation page to help us cover costs (suggest $5 a night or $30 a term) for regulars is available here.


Trinity Youth is when our youth join the youth from across the Trinity Network one Friday night a term. The night runs from 7-9pm at Temple Christian College, 2 Henley Beach Road Mile End and are great high energy nights to meet in a larger group. 

Our next Trinity Youth is running on Friday 28 February 2025 with all the details on a graphic below (scroll down).


Summit is our combined youth for the Southern region including our Trinity churches at Tonsley, Colonel Light Gardens, Unley, Brighton and Woodcroft. Summit camp will be Friday 11 to Sunday 13 April 2025. You can scroll down and watch a video from last years camp to see what it's like.

Registrations for Summit Camp 2025 are open now

If you'd like a hoodie for your camper(s) registration is needed by Thursday March 20

Registrations without hoodies are open until Friday April 4

All our fantastic leaders are trained in Safe Ministry. For more info, get in touch with


The key dates for Youth in term 1 2025 are:

February 7 - Local youth (7-9pm Holdfast Bay Community Centre)

February 14 - Local youth (7-9pm Holdfast Bay Community Centre)

February 21 - Local youth (7-9pm Holdfast Bay Community Centre)

February 28 - Trinity Youth (7-9pm Temple Christian College)
March 7 No youth

March 14 - Local youth (7-9pm Holdfast Bay Community Centre)

March 21 - Local youth (7-9pm Holdfast Bay Community Centre)

March 28 - Local youth (7-9pm Holdfast Bay Community Centre)

April 4- Local youth (7-9pm Holdfast Bay Community Centre)

April 11-13 Summit Camp


Our prayerful desire is to see the youth in our churches, and many we haven't met yet, receive Jesus as Lord and Saviour, knowing, loving and serving him for all their days. We'd love our youth to treasure God's grace to them in Christ, knowing their deepest identity in this world is in their God given status as a child of God (John 1:12-13 NIV).

We want to support parents and our wider church families to see our youth grow deep roots in the local church, and live out their faith at home. We believe focusing on these key areas, by God's grace, will give our youth the best foundation to live all of life for the praise of God's glory.

As a youth team we want to bring God's word to bear in youth's lives and pray for and with them. We'd love them to know and be known by our leaders and peers to build one another up in Christ. Our desire is for our youth to own and participate in our youth ministry and be equipped to serve Jesus. We long for our youth to experience the joy of sharing the gospel of Jesus with many in their generation.


At the end of term one the youth from Tonsley, Colonel Light Gardens, Unley, Brighton and Woodcroft went away for our combined Summit Camp. You can see what it was like in the video below. This years Summit Camp is on 11-13 April 2025 more details soon.