WHAT TO EXPECT on sundays

We aim to be a church that is easy for anyone to come along to and explore Christianity, reconnect with God, or to keep growing as a disciple of Jesus. No matter your background or reason for coming along, you are always welcome, and we hope you find your time with us is well spent. You'll find a friendly group of people and a pretty relaxed vibe. There is no need to bring anything with you, and there is no dress code, just wear whatever you are comfortable with. Note that during winter, our venue is unheated, and so it is worth dressing warm. 

We have kids programs from creche through to year 6 (see more below). 


Especially if you don't know the Tonsley area well, it's worth getting there a bit early to make sure you can find us at Tonsley TAFE. There's more information, a map photos and google maps below. It's a big and exciting place at Tonsley so look out for the signs, flags and some friendly people to welcome you inside the entrance of Tonsley TAFE.

We have tea and free barista made coffee available before the service, and it's great to come a little early and chat. If you have kids with you, it's worth asking one of our welcomers about our kids programs, to get all the information you need. 


Our service starts at 10am, with kids beginning in the service with us. We normally aim to have something for the kids in the first part of our service, before they head out to their programs. Our service goes for a little over an hour, and we'll explain everything as we go, there is no assumed knowledge and we do a relaxed style of church. Youth from year 7 upwards usually stay in the service. 

There's singing, we will have someone read out a passage of the bible, and then one of our pastors will speak for about 25-30 minutes. One of our regular members will lead us in prayer for our church, our community and our world, and we generally also give some updates and info about church life and what's going in our church family during the week. 


All kids are invited to join the service for the first 10-15 minutes, and then we will have a short break for parents to check their kids into our Sunday school programs. We offer a crèche for toddlers and babies able to sit, and structured programs for kids three years old, through to year 6. Our programs aim to help our kids learn more about Jesus and life following him. We work hard to ensure safe, secure environments for our kids programs, and all our leaders are appropriately trained and approved.


We have youth programs on that alternate between a larger fortnightly Friday gathering with youth from across the Trinity Network and a local, Sunday afternoon youth program in conjunction with Trinity Church Colonel Light Gardens. Youth are really important in the life of our church and all the up-to-date information is here


Join us for more free tea, barista made coffee and morning tea. Our regulars are on the lookout to make everyone feel welcome, so it would be great to join us for a chat afterwards if you are able to stay around for a while.

Find us at Tonsley Tafe

We meet on the ground floor of TAFE SA in Tonsley, which is part of the old Mitsubishi factory.  Please use the map below, and head to the carpark labelled "P5" on the South end of the Tonsley precinct (the 'back' of the Tafe building). You can find the car park here on Google Maps

We will have people to meet you and, signs out to make it a bit easier to find. We suggest getting there at 9:45 to check out the interesting precinct, grab a barista made coffee, and get to meet some of our regulars, before our service starts at 10am. 

anzac day at tonsley tafe in 2021

Trinity Church Colonel Light Gardens met at Tonsley TAFE on ANZAC day in 2021. 

Have a look at the below 90 second video to get a feel for what Sundays are like at Tonsley today.


If you'd like more information contact tonsley@trinity.church.