Join us this Easter as we delve into why the claim that "death could not hold Jesus" is immensely good news for everyone.
Good Friday - April 15
We're having a 10am gathering on Good Friday, with kids joining us as we unpack how the cross of Jesus changed the course of human history and why it's incredibly good news for anyone and everyone today. It'll be a great service to be at not only for followers of Jesus but those investigating Jesus for the first time or thinking through church and Jesus for the first time in a long time.
Easter Sunday - April 17
On Easter Sunday we'll have our regular 10am service as we unpack the implications of Jesus conquering death and how that changes everything for how we live today. We'll have a creche and kids programs for our primary aged children. Again with great hospitality it'll be great for anyone to think through or appreciate again the claims of Jesus that "death could not hold him"